
  • Date

    December 2018

  • Feature

    Web Design, Re-branding

  • Role

    UX/UI, Visual Design, Photography

Revival of Marvis

Marvis is an iconic toothpaste company located in Italy. I based my redesign based upon my first impression of the company: artistic and contemporary. The aim was to maintain the identity and integrity of the Marvis brand, while keeping all design assets consistent and cohesive.

Brand Identity

  • CHIC
    noun | 
smart elegance and sophistication, especially of dress or manner: style she wears her clothes with superb chic.
    adjective | 
marked by characteristics of the present period: modern, current we adhere to contemporary standards of American literature.
    noun | 
a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity

The rebrand was accomplished with an emphasis on minimalism.

Inspiration images


Landing Page

Product Detail Page